

Tootsville.Game.Gatekeeper.rv is a function with lambda list: (gram)

React to “room variables”.

See TOOTSVILLE LOCAL-ROOM-VARS for a discussion. Room variables are a general communication channel of miscellaneous information about the game world. When received, they are interpreted to change or update information about the player's surroundings.

Currently, the client supports the following room variable types:

sky, weather, floor (ignored), item, itm2, furniture, text, zone (place).

Destruction of objects is UNIMPLEMENTED in the client currently (TODO)

See Also

TOOTSVILLE INFINITY-GET-ROOM-VARS, Tootsville.SkyBuilder.buildMatchingSky, Tootsville.SkyBuilder.buildMatchingWeather, Tootsville.SceneBuilder.addItem1, Tootsville.SceneBuilder.addItem2, Tootsville.SceneBuilder.addFurn, Tootsville.SceneBuilder.addText, Tootsville.SceneBuilder.addPlace